
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fore Sisters Golf Course
Registration 8am / Tee Time 9am

Luncheon directly after
(Prizes • 50/50 Drawing)

Golf Prize

1st Place - $100 to each golfer ($400)
2nd Place - $75 to each golfer ($300)
3rd Place - $50 to each golfer - ($200)

$Million Dollar Shootout

  • 3 golfers qualify by getting closest to the pin on a hole of our choosing
  • 2 qualify by raffle drawing

• Straightest drive • Closest to the pins • Longest drives
Hole-in-one - $10,000 cash prize

Click here to download the registration form

• Register a foursome in the tournament – $320
• Register as a single player in the tournament – $80
• Sponsor a hole for $100 –  hole sign and advertisement on our website
• Register a foursome AND sponsor a hole for $320 – The best deal.

Proceeds from the events benefit  the Alzheimer’s Association.

  • Address
    Fore Sisters, One Meadowland Drive, Rawlings, MD 21557